With a little over two weeks until Roxbury’s 4th Annual Town-wide Garage Sale on Saturday, June 25, the Roxbury Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that they have received over 100 registrations for sales so far—a pace that is sure to result in the largest Town-wide Garage Sale Event yet!

Residents who wish to participate can register their sale electronically via the event website, roxburygaragesale.org, until 9 a.m., Thursday, June 23. In turn, interactive and print-friendly seller directories will be published June 24, on the event website roxburygaragesale.org, allowing shoppers to plan their day according to sale location and items offered. The event is “rain or shine;” official shopping hours are 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

All garage-sellers are encouraged to register. This year there will be no fees (though donations are welcome), no signs and no printed directories/maps to be handed out. We are simplifying the event logistics so the Chamber can concentrate on promoting a fun-filled day of bargain hunting.

The Township’s Mayor and Council have once again passed a resolution to waive the required yard-sale permit for the day.

Live in a condo, an apartment, away on vacation? No problem, a Community Yard Sale at Horseshoe Lake is scheduled for Saturday, September 24. Event details will be released in late July for that event.

Visit our event website, roxburygaragesale.org, for additional information or to register.


The Roxbury Area Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to serving the citizens of Roxbury by providing a forum for local businesses to exchange ideas and information as well as creating a voice for business owners in the local community. Our initiatives and programs help to contribute to the economic success of our community. For more information or to join, contact Pam Smith at pamsmith@roxburynjchamber.org or call (973) 770-0740.