About Us

Our MissioN
The Roxbury Area Chamber of Commerce (RACC) has been providing local businesses with a voice for over four decades. With over 100 businesses and organizations as members, the RACC strengthens, enhances, and protects local business interests.
Community Involvement
Community efforts are a key way in which the Chamber stays involved! The chamber maintains a fund to help when individuals and families are in need, for when disaster strikes, or for other worthy causes deemed appropriate by the board. The chamber also sponsors an annual Santa Project which promotes good will and helps the less fortunate during the holiday season.
The chamber also sponsors several events a year including The Taste of Roxbury, multi-chamber events, Town-wide Garage & Yard Sales, and a Business Expo which provides participants with an opportunity to market their goods and services to potential customers.
The chamber is actively involved in local legislative and community issues promoting the cooperation of government agencies and working toward a harmonious and sound economic business environment. By remaining involved in local legislation, we provide business owners with a voice in government and community issues which may impact commerce and trade.
Member Benefits
The Roxbury Area Chamber of Commerce is a great way to network and to keep your business or organization involved in local community events. We help you stay on top of legislation changes which may affect your business, meet other business owners, and learn how to maximize the results of your local advertising. The Roxbury Area Chamber of Commerce offers many ways to contribute to your success!
Monthly Meetings
Meetings are held monthly September through June featuring topics and speakers of interest to members and their non-member guests. An effective networking event, the monthly meetings cover a range of topics and keep members up-to-date on community news. Meetings are held over lunch unless otherwise specified and a open to all area business people.
Becoming a member is easy! Simply fill out this application and we’ll send your your membership packet.

Roxbury area chamber of commerce
P.O. Box 436
Ledgewood, NJ 07852